About Us

The Child Care for Every Family Network is the national movement and campaign to guarantee child care for every family and good wages for child care providers.

We are bringing together the people directly involved in and impacted by child care—families, providers, organizers, advocates, and allies—to build a racial and gender justice-centered child care system that is accountable to those who have been most harmed by our lack of investment and currently underfunded programs.


Six core principles guide the way we work:


We have a broad, inclusive, and diverse understanding of what constitutes expertise, and that informs our work and vision. We explicitly value the input and leadership of parents and providers as experts based on their lived experiences.

Organizing Power in Our Movement

We believe it is essential to shift, share, and build the power of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and low-income communities to change our movement’s priorities and strategies, engage new constituencies, and ultimately win. Local and state efforts, especially organizing efforts, are therefore key to our strategy and need our investment.

Bold & Proactive

We prioritize bold, proactive strategies that champion our ultimate goals without privileging political expediency. We do so in order to shift what is possible toward transformative change and equity.


We are willing to question what has been done before and will invest in strategies and ideas that are new. Experimentation and continual critical reflection are necessary, encouraged, and valued. Not every new strategy will work, and we will engage in honest evaluation to optimize our success.

Span Local to National

We hold local, state, and national perspectives and approaches when setting goals, strategies, and structures. We seek equitable distributions of resources across the country to meet the needs of families and providers. We know equal distribution is not the same as equity, and we must right the historic deficits that have resulted in greater gaps for key constituencies and regions of the country.

One Team

We are one team of allies from across the country grounded in these shared values and working toward a shared vision.


Our work is guided by a Parent & Family Leadership Group, Provider Leadership Group, and Coordinating Committee.

Parent & Family Leadership Group

*Organizational affiliations are marked in parentheses 

• Co-Lead: Kristel England (Parent Voices California)
• Co-Lead: Shereese Rhodes
Lesley Hutchinson
Lily Ana Marquez (Parent Voices San Francisco and Parent Voices California)
Malika Mohammad (Supporting Partnerships in Education & Beyond)
Luz Veronica Quevedo (Family Forward Oregon)
Carolyn Solitaire